The Launched of Kampung Budaya Orang Silat,Kota Damansara.

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The Launched of Kampung Budaya Orang Silat,Kota Damansara | Silat is a traditional martial art that originated in Southeast Asia, particularly in the Malay Archipelago, which includes countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and the southern Philippines. It is a diverse and complex martial art with various regional and cultural variations. 

Silat is known for its emphasis on fluid, flowing movements, as well as its practicality in both self-defense and combat situations.

YB Izuan Kasim together with the founders of the four silat organizations, as well as martial artists who participated in the Kampung Budaya Orang Silat program.

History of Silat in Malaysia

In 1978, the Malaysian Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports at that time tried to establish a body or coalition at the national level that could develop silat more effectively, so the Majlis Seni Silat Malaysia (1980) was established. Later, the council was changed to a new name, the National Silat Federation of Malaysia or PESAKA Malaysia, and passed its registration in 1986. 

PESAKA Malaysia was composed of four members at the level of the founding body of PESAKA Malaysia, namely Seni Gayung Fatani Malaysia, Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia, Silat Lincah Malaysia, and Silat Cekak Malaysia. Other martial arts schools become members of State PESAKA which is created in every state in Malaysia. This means that all silat have been united under PESAKA Malaysia

Silat has gained recognition and popularity not only in Southeast Asia but also in other parts of the world. It is practiced for various reasons, including self-defense, cultural preservation, fitness, and personal development. Additionally, Silat has been featured in movies and television, further increasing its visibility on the global stage.

The Launched of Kampung Budaya Orang Silat,Kota Damansara.

Kota Damansara assemblyman, YB Izuan Kasim hit the gong as a symbolic completion of the opening ceremony Silat Cultural Village Program.

Hence, the Kampung Budaya Orang Silat or Silat Cultural Village Program was held at Surau As Sahabah, Section 7 of Kota Damansara. Sponsored program by 
Selangor Warisan Heritage Martial Arts Association in collaboration with the Arts Department and National Culture (Selangor).

This program aims to boost arts and cultural activities in Selangor as well as foster a spirit of unity among the multi-racial community. This program was well received with the participation of nearly 500 participants of various ages.

YB Izuan Kasim

In his opening speech, YB Izuan Kasim said that every nation has its own art of defense, he saw that the efforts of organizing such a program should be given support for the sake of the cultural sustainability of Malaysian society. He expressed support for community activities and efforts to preserve martial arts will be given attention by him.

Senaman Tua

Prof. Dr. Azlan Ghanie

To accomplish the program's objectives, the guests were given instruction in both the theory and practice of Malay Exercises, a traditional practice widely used by the elderly to manage breathing, alleviate stress, and relax muscles and joints. This guidance was provided by Prof. Dr. Azlan Ghanie, who previously introduced Senaman Tua (ST) in PENDEKAR magazine and SEN magazine in 1997. 

To this day, PESENAM (Persatuan Pengaman Senaman Malaysia Malaysia) serves as the vehicle through which Prof. Dr. Azlan Ghanie disseminates and promotes Malay heritage knowledge to Malaysians and international audiences.

Senaman Tua is an integral part of Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9, which was developed by its founder, Prof. Dr. Azlan Ghanie, drawing from his family's heritage. Presently, it is taught separately from Silat, primarily as a means of enhancing fitness and health.

During the program, four associations also sent representatives to provide a martial arts demonstration in front of the attending guests. These associations include:

1. Selangor Heritage Jati Art Martial Arts Association
2. Terlak Empat Martial Arts Association
3. Tapak Lima Art Martial Arts Organization
4. Bird Eagle Martial Arts Association

Malay Traditional Heritage


Another highlight of the event was the exhibition of traditional weapons like daggers, parangs, swords, tekpi, and kerambit. These weapons are commonly associated with self-defense practices in martial arts. 


Attendees also had the opportunity to learn the intricate process of folding tanjak (traditional Malay headgear) and the styling of traditional Malay warrior attire, guided by Man Tanjak.

Tanjak demonstration

Each fold and cut in the tanjak and attire holds significant meaning, and it is essential to preserve these meanings while maintaining the classic characteristics of the original Malay warrior attire.

This program enriches our culture by preserving and promoting traditional Malay martial arts, fostering unity among diverse communities, and imparting valuable knowledge like Senaman Tua. It ensures the continuity of our cultural heritage and instills a sense of pride in our martial arts legacy, benefiting our society as a whole.

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