Berkat Korban 2022.

According to Dr. Kasuma Satria Mat Jadi, Chief Human Resource Officer and Director of Corporate Communications of AEON, “We are very grateful to be able to once again realise the Berkat Korban program this year. On the encouraging response received previously, we feel a responsibility to continue to provide this service to Muslim community. This program will facilitate their affairs where the order of sacrificial meat only needs to be done via phone call or online, ”“AEON is the first shopping mall in Malaysia to introduce such a program. All korban will go through a strict SOP process and Shariah compliant in ensuring that the Muslims who participate can perform the ibadah properly, ” he added.

Ustaz Don Daniyal said, “I am grateful to be able to work with AEON for the Berkat Korban 2022. Apart from strengthening the brotherhood and friendship of every community and being able to perform ibadah for themselves and be donated to the needy, this effort can help generate economic growth for local farmers. Alhamdulillah, every slaughtering and processing work is also done in a controlled environment to ensure that the slaughter results are shariah compliant, clean and of high quality in line with halal toyyiban. ”
During the MCO last 2 years many Mosque and Musolla limit the Qurban numbers, but this years things will be go back to normal. Thus, Afdhal for all Muslim to perform the Ibadah in our country. And it is also Sunnah for the one who make Qurban to eat their meat of the Qurban, and if you want to give to the others, it is also Sunnah for you to delivered it yourself.
Hence, Qurban with AEON you will be able to perform the Sunnah practice with ease. The meat will be process with good practice and Shariah Compliance.
The Berkat Korban 2022 initiative is in line with AEON's efforts to champion the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity and provide awareness of every development must be balanced with social, economic and environmental sustainability.

“There is no act by the sons of Adam on Eidul Adha that is more pleasing to Allah then by the outpouring of blood ( the slaughter of the sacrificial animal). Verily the sacrificial animal will come on the day of judgement with its horn, hooves and skin and Allah will grant the blessings of the Qurban even before the blood of the animal reaches the ground. Therefore, make good your Qurban.”

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