Family Trip to Ombak Kapas, Pulau Kapas.

Amirrah Othman
3 minute read
Family Trip to Ombak Kapas, Pulau Kapas. | Holiday! I MISS TRAVELING! Warning this post are loaded with photo just because I want to keep this as a memories for kids if anything happen they still can find the memories here. Hehe 

Anyway me and my family went to Ombak Kapas, Pulau Kapas on Sept 2020. It was the last trip and exactly the last month where all Malaysian have their freedom going anywhere they wanted. And today, we just can sit at home and even my kids can't go out freely like before. Hence I'm looking back to the old memories and upload it on my blog for my kids memories.

* updated ; Malaysia can cross state begins on 11 October 2021.

Read also : Cross State Rules

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,

Ombak Kapas Resort Terengganu.

We went to Terengganu on the Thursday night and upon arriving we stay at a homestay in Marang. On the Friday morning, after we had breakfast, we head on to Marang jetty and park our car at the Jetty Parking space. It cost us about RM10 per day to park there.  Then, my sister go and pick up our boat ticket and we took our boat that full with the whole family in it to Kapas Island.

So glad my kids, didn't afraid at all riding a boat and the journey was about 15 minutes to the island. We are so excited to arrive and after it arrive the boat in exactly at the beach in front of the Ombak Kapas Resort.

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,

Ombak Kapas Resort Package

1. Room

After all the arrangement settle, we went to check in to our room. So because we have big family, we rent 5 rooms in total for this trip. Once again, I didn't managed to snap a picture of my room since everyone is so excited and making the room messy in blink of eyes.

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,
how our room look like

Anyway we stay at the building at the back not in the chalet so we can stay close with each other. It easy for us to go to each other room when we wanted. It just a typical family who love to lend items from other siblings. 😊

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,
chalet in Ombak Kapas

2. Food

So, we bought a package when staying here and that includes meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And after check in we got our lunch and, again I didn't took any photo of the food. But we had a buffet style food where there is Rice, 3 types of sides, fruits, sometimes they had sweet porridge and also drinks. The food was nice, my family really adore their sambal belacan. 

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,
dining area

3. Snorkeling

Kapas Island truly a beautiful island with a great beach you explore around this small island. It also have various other resort you can choose to stay and I also saw people do take day trip to the island and back before dawn to the mainland. 

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,
El Ghazy first time at the beach

They mostly took a package with snorkeling because, in here you can see so many beautiful fish while snorkeling. And even without snorkeling if you throw a bread in the water, you can see so many fish eating it. My son really enjoyed snorkeling time here.

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,

Apart of the beautiful beach, at Ombak Kapas Resort, you can enjoy great music at night from the next resort, hehe and of cos in here they have their own cafe with western and Malaysian menu for non-guest to enjoy while in the island.

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,
My husband at the cafe

Staying here with great package they offered definitely a great deals for the whole family. The bed was comfort, food was good, hospitality is great even though there is blackout at night suddenly. Anyway it is a good experience and my kids keep saying they miss the trips so much.

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,
The whole family

Ombak kapas resort, kapas island trip, package ombak kapas resort terengganu, ombak kapas resort terengganu review, snorkeling at kapas island,
Saying goodbye to Kapas Island

Till then, wait for my next story about my family experience hiking at the Bukit Singa, here in Kapas Island soon.

Stay safe everyone.


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  1. rindu nya nak ke Pulau Kapas. Moment yang tenang dengan tak seksa yet ramai org. Bila my turn pula ntah la.

  2. Sis tak pernah lagi ke Pulau Kapas. Maybe satu hari nanti. Sis bercuti pun rasanya last year Ogos 2020 kot. Masa tu baru buka untuk rentas negeri.

  3. Tak pernh pergilagi pulau kapas. Seronok tengok . boleh masuk dalam list ni nanti. Tengok resort dia pun best

  4. Tak silap kita dah perg sini, siap karaoke kat kedai makan situ. Tapi ada insiden lak hampir nak bgaduh sb kes bayaran karaoke. Hehe. Not bad la Pulau Kapas.

  5. nampak anak2 seronok bila berpeluang bercuti bersama keluarga. lama dah tunggu saat ni kan

  6. Selalu dengar je orang pi bercuti sini, tapi belum ada kesempatan lagi nak plan.. Sis lebih suka bercuti gaya pulau dan pantai ni, sebab tenang aje kannn...makan situ susah tak Miera? Banyak pilihan?

  7. Wahhh.. Bestnya bercuti ke Pulau Kapas. Yeahh, lepas dah boleb rentas negeri ni mmg ramai yg ambil peluang bercuti kan. Yela, dah tepu lama sgt duk umah 😅

  8. Salah satu wishlist kami pulau kapas ni. Balik Ganu nanti boleh plan ke sini lah. Nampak best sangat tu.

  9. I have yet to visit this island hopefully in the future we could visit this beautiful place one day.

  10. Rindunya pulau kapas. Last time pun i stay sini. Memang best giler pastu terus hiking ke bukit singa

  11. Zaman kerja dulu ke Pulau Kapas memang syok. Ruby tak mandi lautz tp suka melihat keindahan alam. Tenang je. Kawan-kawan mandi laut kena attack dengan obor obor. Hahaha. Tahun 2008 kalau tak silap. Bila lah nak pi lg. Huhu

  12. I dah lama teringin nak ke pulau kapas, thanks for sharing this ya

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