Quarantine Ready with PTT Outdoor Gear! | As you aware Covid-19 cases in Malaysia is still high, and reading in my Whatsapp group about this Pandemic cases makes me realize that this pandemic it just around the corner. Are you prepare if this Covid-19 affected your family? And what is your preparation about it?
Living in this pandemic era will makes you always prepare for the worst, but lets pray the worst would never happened to our family. But, what if it is happened? Do you have what it takes when they said you have to be quarantine outside your home? Therefore, just prepared our quarantine with style with PTT Outdoor Gear.
PTT Outdoor is not a familiar name anymore to outdoor lover. PTT Outdoor’s big mission is to encourage more individuals to explore the outdoors , because they believe that a life lived outdoors is a life lived. They provide affordable, premium quality outdoor gears, and they aim to solve the problem of overpriced outdoor gears in the market
They cover hiking, running, travel and also cycling, and they are looking to expand to more categories soon. PTT Outdoor sell items that price starts from as low as RM2.90 and they have more than 700 different items in their store. With than 3000 positive reviews on their Facebook page, the customers loves definitely loves their service and products. They currently hold more than 30 different brands on their website and of course as a outdoor product, they love nature and their product mostly are eco friendly too! Their latest project was to collaborate with MNS : https://www.mns.my/2021/04/01/ucf-forges-unique-partnership-with-ptt-outdoor/
Hence, outdoor gear is one of the most trusted items when you went for travel because usually it is designed with its durable and convenience way for travel or hiking. Because of this reason, I choose to buy at PTT Outdoor and you know this two items is important for you to have during travel and of course during your quarantine.
The first one is this TBF Leather Wallet with Card Holder.

TBF Leather Wallet with Card Holder Features:
- DESIGNED FOR SAFETY AND PRIVACY – The TBF leather wallet is designed with RFID blocking technology, effectively blocking unscrupulous people from accessing personal information from your dad’s credit card
- WATER-RESISTANT – The TBF leather wallet doesn’t break down or deteriorate during rain or splashes, allowing it to be used frequently
- TEAR-RESISTANT – The TBF leather wallet is also designed to be durable against slashes or tears when sliced with a sharp object. No thief will be able to damage your wallet
- LIGHTWEIGHT AND COMPACT – The TBF leather wallet is lightweight enough to not weigh you down and can easily fit inside your pocket without the need to hold it
To have a small and compact wallet is convenience and more safer during your quarantine cos you will only need to bring your IC only and maybe a cash spare. Other than that it is not important. With its water resistant function you can bring it anywhere without any hassle.
And the second one is NATUREHIKE Compact Quick-Dry Towel. NATUREHIKE Compact Quick-Dry Towel is a super soft and ultralight towel. This towel is easy to store in a small bag and has super strong absorbent, quick-drying antibacterial. It also designed with texture woven label design, convenient and practical. With the great humidity handling abilities, it is the best suitable towel for you at the gym, beach and pool and even during your quarantine at the hospital or anywhere else.

Their microfiber beach towel dries 3 times faster than cotton. This quick-dry towel gives the user more freedom to move from one adventure to another without having to wait a long time for your everyday pool towels to dry. Their quick dry beach towel features a hang loop on the corner of the towel so it can be hung and dried easily. Whether you are traveling the world, on the beach, camping, swimming, or at the gym this quick-dry travel towel is made to keep you dry while saving you space as a compact beach towel.
NATUREHIKE Compact Quick-Dry Towel Features:
- Measurement: 160 x 80 cm
- Materials: Polyester fiber and spandex
- Lightweight nonshrinking
- Compact and foldable
- Absorbent
- Quick-drying
- Fits every lifestyle
This coming Father's Day, PTT Outdoor also offers you a great package for you to grab for your love one. And of course there is plenty of others things you can have on the site and be spoil with the choices.
Just check out their website today and grab the special offers and of course why buy later when you can buy now. Always be prepared for what come worst and maybe you can be quarantine in style, I mean with comfort in the future right?
For more information : https://www.pttoutdoor.com
Stay safe, wear your double mask and let's take your vaccine!

menarik ni. birthday husband ari tu tak beli pape pun. sebab pkp. dia hikers yg sedang bersedih merindui aktiviti hiking :) ha ha ah ha... ni amat sesuai utk dia kot kan. aksesori hiking dia complete. sekotak, mcm2. hasil dari naik gunung-ganang last year, include kinabalu.
ReplyDeleteRindu hiking and survey this kind of stuff before event..Memang bagus PTT Outdoor ni semacam semua kelengkapan ada kalau nak cari sbelum naik gunung. Price pun reasonable.
ReplyDeletewah lengkap dah peralatan hiking PPT Outdoor untuk En suami lepas habis PKP boleh dah plan nak hiking kemana!
ReplyDeletenanti bila buleh hiking, nak gak beli peralatan mcm ni. tp tu la..ntah bila pandemik ni akan berakhir.