Everyone Can Start A Business to Improve Self-Economy. | Hi everyone, doing a business as a job is a Sunnah in Islam and even it said that 9 of the wealth come from business. Me and my husband also doing a small business and it was really up side down especially during this Pandemic off Covid-19.
We are trying to set up another business soon because our current business not doing so great during this Pandemic. With many SOP and restriction we have to follow, the customer do comes and goes. It is not easy to sustain, especially when we don't have a mentor or a right guide to follow in doing business.
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RichWorks Launches Virtual Program of Bina Bisnes Berjaya - Nak Mula Berniaga Special Edition 2021.
Founded by MenThor Datuk Wira Dr. Azizan Osman, Richworks has grown to become the leading seminar organizer in Malaysia for 13 years since 2008. Richworks has dedicated itself in providing educational programs in the area of personal peak performance and business growth. To date, Richworks has trained over 1.1 million participants through its Live Events and Online Virtual Programs.
This 2021, RichWorks launch a new program as they felt that everyone can start a business and generate income to improve self-economy whether in doing it full-time or part-time during this pandemic period.
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Radz Mohd |
Senior Vice President of RichWorks International Sdn. Bhd. (RichWorks), Radz Mohd said, in fact there are many opportunities to generate income in the era of digitalization this with many people spending a lot of time online such as social media. However, he said, some entrepreneurs also did not know how to start a business properly resulting in not getting the results as expected.
“There are a few of them who just started a business because they are friends or children quick gains that ultimately make it not last long. Because of that, there are business exchanges are like changing clothes. But all this can be changed if we start doing business with the right basics and principles for an entrepreneur it can generate sales from hundreds, thousands, to hundreds of thousands of ringgit, insyaAllah, ”
he said when met by reporters after the launch Virtual Program of Bina Bisnes Berjaya - Nak Mula Berniaga Special Edition 2021, today.
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RichWorks also brought the launch live via its Facebook Page, YouTube and Instagram Azizan Osman with various activities and entrepreneurial partnerships for 8 hours continuously. The launch was also in conjunction with the Inner Circle Meeting (ICM) attended by over 300 members Titanium is under the RichWorks mentoring program with Mentor Asia's No. 1 Entrepreneurship and Marketing Expert, Datuk Wira Dr Azizan Osman held with the permission of the National Security Council (MKN) with compliance standard operating procedures (SOPs).
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RichWorks as the largest event and seminar host company in entrepreneurship and marketing in the country Azizan founded since 2008 has trained and mentored over 1.1 million people in various industries at home and abroad which in the year then, 777 SME entrepreneurs were mentored in the Spire and Titanium mentoring program managed to generate sales in excess of RM2 billion.
He added that RichWorks wants to train and guide more people to be able to build successful businesses wherever their level is, just starting, growing and wanting further expand the business based on experience and knowledge that has been proven to succeed many entrepreneurs have been successful since their inception almost 13 years ago.
“Everyone can actually succeed in business if there is a MUST formula. MUST this means mentors, ‘knowledge’, systems, actions and dreams. “This MUST if followed fully can prevent the entrepreneur from doing mistakes that can delay success and even worse cause their business is comprehensive, ” he explained.
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In this regard, Radz said, the Virtual Program of Bina Bisnes Berjaya - Nak Mula Berniaga Special Edition, which will take place on 23 to 25 April will be fully sponsored RichWorks without any payment have to be made by the participants.
"Prospective participants only need to register through the website at www.binabisnesberjaya.com to book tickets to attend the online virtual program this.
“Let's give ourselves a chance, join and get as much proven knowledge success that is shared later to help you get started in business. Start your move now, " he said again.
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register now! |
Richworks International Sdn Bhd is the largest event and seminar organizer in Malaysia in the areas of entrepreneurship development and marketing. Over the past 13 years since 2008, RichWorks has trained more than 10,000 the company through Master Coach Azizan Osman and attracted more than 1,100,000 participants in over 1,500 live and virtual online events and seminars. By a proven track record, business strategy and mentoring program, RichWorks is successful helped build thousands of successful entrepreneurs and millionaires over a period of 6-24 months.
RichWorks ’vision is to be‘ Netflix ’Entrepreneur Education with 100 million subscribers by 2025 with easy access to results -oriented content and trusted solutions on online platforms - RichWorks.com for Inspire, Educate & Add Value to communities around the world.
Accredited Business, Marketing & Leadership Coach, Mentor & Strategist, Serial Entrepreneur & Best-Selling Author Azizan, a World Class Business Educator and Asia’s No.1 Business, Marketing & Leadership Coach is known for his unique ability to mentor his students resulting in an incredible increase in business and thousands of owners businesses and entrepreneurs have been successful through their success strategies and methodologies which have been proven to increase the growth of their business from zero to teaching sales of millions of dollars.
With a good credentials and reputation I guess what is you waiting for? Let's start your own business to improve your self-economy and help your family and friends during this pandemic time. Register now and let the menThor lead you the way. After all, a good business is start with a good mentor.
Register your interest today through the website at www.binabisnesberjaya.com to book tickets to attend the online virtual program this.
Contact us :
Richworks International Sdn Bhd
No. 77, Jalan Badminton 13/29
Seksyen 13, 40100 Shah Alam
Selangor, MALAYSIA
Web: www.richworks.com
Tel: +601632346866 (Media - Md Azrin Rosly
+6012 696 2065 (Media Penghubung - Karini)
Email: karini@richworks.com.my ; omkarini.rich@gmail.com ; azrin.richworks@gmail.com
Suami saya pernah pergi seminar Richwork ni sekali..