Shera Lee's Summer Raya Collection 2020!

Amirrah Othman
3 minute read
Shera Lee's Summer Raya Collection 2020! | In less than 10 days all the Muslim will start fasting and Eid Mubarak will be happening in month. Despite the pandemic issue around the world, is a must to celebrate Eid Mubarak for all Muslim.

Sunnah for the Muslim to wear new clothes in the day of first Eid because we are celebrating the victory after fasting for one month. As for me who stuck with my parent at my hometown, I'm so excited to celebrate Eid Mubarak this year. And guess what? I already had my shawl for this Raya from Shera Lee's Summer Raya Collection 2020. 

Sheera Lee, shawl raya, summer raya 2020,eyelash cotton shawl borong , tutorial shawl eyelash,  eyelash shawl, borong eyelash cotton , shawl heeladina eyelash, chiffon shawl heeladina, cotton voile eyelash shawl , pleated shawl, satin matte shawl,
Shera Lee Summer Raya Collection

Shera Lee's Summer Raya Collection 2020.

Woman will never had enough of shawl am I rite? Eventhough you already 1 plain black shawl, you will always bought another. Yes, because every shawl from different brand is different. Like Shera Lee which is built to cater Premium Custom Shawls for Sophisticated & Stylish women of all ages. The brand business model is driven by Girl Empowerment & Passion for Fashion. 

Shera Lee stands for Comfort & Quality in their Product Line. They celebrate Idealist & Charismatic ladies worldwide. Hustle & Be Gold is actually an encapsulation of who Shera is as a person a do-er, a real hustler. And this characteristics are apply at their collection which for me very comfort and easy to styling.

Sheera Lee, shawl raya, summer raya 2020,eyelash cotton shawl borong , tutorial shawl eyelash,  eyelash shawl, borong eyelash cotton , shawl heeladina eyelash, chiffon shawl heeladina, cotton voile eyelash shawl , pleated shawl, satin matte shawl,
Love the design and material

SHERA LEE’s new SUMMER RAYA collections are uniquely designed for their loyal customers and newbies! Newbies here! and I'm totally in love with their shawl. “Put this beautiful shawl on, be happy and just be YOURSELF!” - that is their go-to phrase for this collection. You will never had enough with one shawl for this collection. 

Sheera Lee, shawl raya, summer raya 2020,eyelash cotton shawl borong , tutorial shawl eyelash,  eyelash shawl, borong eyelash cotton , shawl heeladina eyelash, chiffon shawl heeladina, cotton voile eyelash shawl , pleated shawl, satin matte shawl,
Whats your favorite?

Good news for #SLBABES you can now enjoy more discount for this Summer Raya collection. Just add code SUMMER2020 and you can enjoy up to RM38 discount when you purchase two pieces of shawl at RM160 and also you can redeem free postage (East Malaysia only)! Grab this discount until the end of April only okay! 

Sheera Lee, shawl raya, summer raya 2020,eyelash cotton shawl borong , tutorial shawl eyelash,  eyelash shawl, borong eyelash cotton , shawl heeladina eyelash, chiffon shawl heeladina, cotton voile eyelash shawl , pleated shawl, satin matte shawl,
My haul! 

Why Shera Lee?

Hence I will gave you more reason why you need to buy Shera Lee shawl that includes :

Sheera Lee, shawl raya, summer raya 2020,eyelash cotton shawl borong , tutorial shawl eyelash,  eyelash shawl, borong eyelash cotton , shawl heeladina eyelash, chiffon shawl heeladina, cotton voile eyelash shawl , pleated shawl, satin matte shawl,
Plain shawl in Caramel

1. Comfort

Comfort is no one priority to the hijabis right. I love the plain matte satin that is comfort and malaysian term call it 'tak pekak' (not deaf) when you wearing it.

2. Neat Eyelash

If you a fan of eyelash shawl, you will satisfied with this brand. The eyalash is so neat.

Sheera Lee, shawl raya, summer raya 2020,eyelash cotton shawl borong , tutorial shawl eyelash,  eyelash shawl, borong eyelash cotton , shawl heeladina eyelash, chiffon shawl heeladina, cotton voile eyelash shawl , pleated shawl, satin matte shawl,
Different Metal Tag

3. Metal Tag

Metal tag is one of the important criteria when someone buying a shawl right? And Shera Lee has it and it comes in two different tag. Its also heavy that will help you have your shawl drapes beautifully.

4. Box 

Every Shere Lee's shawl comes with a box that is beautiful too. Is like opening a gift with this special box and I bet I will add more this marble tower at my closet.

Sheera Lee, shawl raya, summer raya 2020,eyelash cotton shawl borong , tutorial shawl eyelash,  eyelash shawl, borong eyelash cotton , shawl heeladina eyelash, chiffon shawl heeladina, cotton voile eyelash shawl , pleated shawl, satin matte shawl,
Plain Shawl in Lavender

With all the reason given, my husband definitely agree if I wanted to bought more shawl next time. Haha.. and yes the inner also cool to wear!
You will get addicted to this brand once you have tried their product on for the first time! 

Lets shop their Summer Raya Collection now babes before you missed it!

For more information go to :


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  1. Wowww cantiknyaaa..sesuai dengan Shamiera...
    Sis berkenan plak dengan shawl bunga tu...nak kena gak selai dua ni hehehe..
    Tapi tu ler, bab baju raya lom masuk kepala, kena amik mood ni huhuhu

  2. nampak material shawl pun lembut je, design and color pun cantik, soft sangat. suka suka suka....

  3. cantiknya shawl, design pun nampak ekslusif. ada promo tak time pkp ni? boleh la beli tuk adik perempuan BBL

  4. Cantik juga pattern baju kebarung tu. Warna pun lembut ajer. Shawl pun warna menarik dengan jahitan kemas di tepi. Oh eyelash panggilannya

  5. Jenis kain mcm ni kan, Kalau yang plain tu . Basah tak Kalau kena air atau peluh. Sebab muka mommy aduhh kuat berpeluh uiyyy. Nanti bekas peluh banyak kat tudung

  6. cantiknye corak printed tudung nye. yang plain pun cantik. siap kotak mesti exclusive shawl ni

  7. Have not tried this product label before and the truth is this is the first time heard of Shera Lee...looks good tho!

  8. Cantik shawlnya. Minat juga pakai shawl. Tapi tulah dah lama tak pakai. Sebab banyak masa kerja pakai uniform jer.

  9. perempuan dengan tudung mmg tak dpt dipisahkan ( utk yg bertudung). nasib baiklah saya ni lelaki kalau tak mesti dh beribu2 jugak dihabiskan untuk koleksi tudung. hehe

  10. Macam-macam jenis dan jenama tudung sekarang. As long as selesa, harga berpatutan why not beli. Jgn nak beli terlalu mahal over2 kannn.

  11. Cantik2 juga design tudung dia ye. Boleh lah nnt za usha2 kot2 ada yang berkenan dihati untuk belanja raya nnt.

  12. Cantik sangat tudung tu. Macam2 gaya boleh pakai. Wah dia dh ada tudung raya. Matching denagn semua. Nak usha la. Nak raya juga. Nak cantik2 .juga. Ada diskaun erk.. Hehehe

  13. cantiknya tudung dan macam2 gaya boleh digunakan. dah beli ya tudung raya?

  14. aida setuju tu. sunat utk kita pakai baju baru, wangi-wangi di pagi raya.
    thn ni, utk aida, recycle baju lama. tak sempat membeli.
    utk anak2 dara berdua, done beli kan sorang sepasang ari tu.
    si kecik bujang, kena cari online kot ni. sepasang baju melayu.

    cantik-cantik kaler shawl sheralee ni. tidak keterlaluan.
    sesuai la utk semua occasion sebenarnya. terutama hari raya, pasti elegan!

  15. Cantik2 koleksi tudung dia. Suka tebgok. Fabrik dia pun nampak cantik

  16. Cantik2 koleksi tudung dia. Suka tebgok. Fabrik dia pun nampak cantik

  17. Ooo cantik ye shawl dia.. memang sesuai dibuat raya. Tapi tahun ni macam takde raya je!! Raya duduk rumah je sebab PKP. Huhuhu.. so saya pun tak beli apa2 langsung utk Raya tahun ni.

  18. The shawl really complemented your look a lot. Thanks for sharing this. I am sure a lot of ladies will find this useful. :)

  19. I am also preparing for Hari raya celebration. I am decorating my house and I need a handyman to install new light. Hope this Hari Raya will be a good one for us.

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