Raising Kind Kids? 5 Tips to Do.| Raising kind kids definitely a challenge in this era because there is a lot exposure from outside kids can see. But then, it is not an excuse for us mommy to not try to raise our kids right.
Every parent want the best for their children, sometimes parents would say it is okay if you bad in your academic but great with your kindness and heart. Yup, despite wanted your kids to be a successful person, what really matter is their warm heart. So how we do that?
5 Tips to Raise a Kind Kids.
1. Took Care of a Pet
Zahra trying to pet the hamster even though she think it smelly. ;) |
It might looks simple task but this lovely creature can help to develops empathy to your kids. I do observe that kids nowadays have lack of empathy towards one another and they tend to be aggressive and cruel to the animals. So by having a pet, it can help them to feel more loving towards other creature. Someone who have pet, usually more caring and they tend to be more protective towards another.
2. Be Close to the Creator
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Zahra learning Iqra |
Every religion wanted their people to be a good human being. Me, as a Muslim believe that every kindness that we made will be a good deeds and that will lead you to heaven at Akhirat. Thus, teaching my kids about Islam, the Halal and Haram will help the kids to be more kind. Even in Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu have the guideline to practice for being a kind person right? So a great practice from early childhood will help the kids develop to be a kind person in the future. InshaAllah.
3. Like Father Like Son
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Look out for each other |
Kids will develop as early as they were a baby and they will imitate what their parents and siblings do. As parents, we have to set a good example for our kids to follow. For example is :
- Talk nicely, use the words please and tell them to say sorry when they make a mistake.
- Avoid vulgar words in your conversation.
- Encourage kids to help each other when doing something.
- Avoid any violent in family and also outside exposure such as movie and games. It is bad when your kids will think it is a norm to do it when used to see it.
4. Do Charity
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Save the turtle event |
Charity is good practice that can help your kids to be more kind. A simple charity can be done everyday and it doesn't need us to bring our kids to the charity events, like giving out a donation to the helpless. I usually ask my kids to put the donation in the box and tell them we have to help the helpless and tell them the reason of doing so. But then, a good charity event is a fun things to do too, and it is a good exposure to kids that will help them to feel good about it.
5. Do the House Chores
Research show that kids who do the house chores, will be more concern towards another. It is a good practice as kids are can understand the instruction accordingly. As my daughter, she sometimes volunteer to take his brother for bath and even put the clothes for him. For me, the act of kindness that she shows is good for her development and hopefully it will last till she grows up. ;)
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man have to work right? |
Asking your kids to take responsibility in a job also can be done outside the house, and a good exposure for the kids is to bring them to edutainment center like KidZania. In KidZania, kids can be doctor that will help the sick people, a fireman who put off the fire, and even in KidZania there is a MBPJ establishment which helps the citizen in need. Those jobs can develop kindness in kids and they find it fun to do it. And yet, KidZania has a Caring Project with the CongreZZ Kids every year where they will take the responsibility to plan and organize an event to give back to the community. Do check out more info about it at www.kidzania.com.my
So do you have any other tips to share with me on how to raise kind kids? Do leave your comment below.

thanks for sharing.. boleh dipraktiskan ni nanti..
ReplyDeletethe surrounding really mould them, kan
ReplyDeleteSetuju sangat dengan semua tips di atas. Yang penting bond ibubapa dengan anak anak pun makin erat kan :D
ReplyDeleteGood Sharing..
ReplyDeleteIndeed! Agree with all the tips above! Kids nowadays need extra care because they are open to any kind of bad source and it make parents feel unsafe. We need to teach them all the things that can enchance their empahty, kind heart and all the positive things. Hopefully, Allah gives us as parent he strong iman and patient to teach our kids. InShaaLlah. Nice tips anyway. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletethank you for the tips. airah nak bersalin ni makin banyak fikir macam mana nak bentuk anak ke arah yang bertanggungjwb. memang besar tugas ibu bapa ni.
ReplyDeleteWahh informatifnya! Terutama bagi dad and mom-to-be. Sangat suka tips yang mendekatkan mereka dengan pencipta tu sebab iyalah, dalam kita mengajar skil kehidupan, mungkin ada ibu bapa yang ambil ringan aspek yang satu ini. Dan tips ini sebenarnya secara tak langsung boleh mengajar kita sebagai orang dewasa untuk menjadi lebih penyabar dan bertanggungjawab dalam mencorakkan masa depan generasi akan datang.
ReplyDeleteglad you are sharing here, as it's good to know of this. Parenting is important and raising kind kids are parents responsible. Kidzania nice place to play for kids and they are learning too. Time fly seeing your pics, grown so much now, long time didn't see you at event.
ReplyDeleteAnak2 kena didik dari kecil tentang tanggungjawab mereka kepada tuhan, ibu ayah dan tanggungjawab kepada semua. Semoga anak2 Shamiera dapat menjadi anak2 yang baik. Bagus Kidzania sebab menganjurkan program untuk beri balik kepada masyarakat.
ReplyDeleteNice sharing kak amie. Sebenarnya obses juga dengan kidzania ni sebab banyak aktiviti untuk anak-anak. If auni ada anak, kidzania will be a place yang auni akan pilih untuk anak. Banyak positive vibes untuk tumbesaran anak-anak.
ReplyDeleteNak pupuk nilai2 baik pada anak2 kena bermula seawal mereka kecil. Ibu bapa yang penting kena show a good example kepada mereka kan sebab mereka ni pemerhati yang sangat tajam.
ReplyDeleteCabaran ibu bapa zaman teknologi canggih ni lebih hebat dari cabaran ibu ayah kita dulu-dulu kala....mana taknya...sekarang semunya dihujung jari...cari lah apa saja pasti akan jumpa...sebagai ibu bapa kita haruslah bersedia untuk mengatur anak2 kita dengan perkara-perkara yang baik dan mengelakkan perkara2 yang akan mendatangkan mudarat...terima kasih berkongsi maklumat tentang parenting ini...
ReplyDeleteMacam orang tua2 cakap..melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya, kita sebagai ibu bapa kena tunjukkan teladan yang baik buat anak2. Selain itu lakukan aktiviti yang boleh membuka mata anak dan bawa anak ketempat yang menyeronokkan mereka dalam masa yg sama membimbing mereka seperti KidZania.
ReplyDeleteNk didik ank ni biar dr kecik..atleast diorang hormat apa yg ibubapa ajar..slow2 ajar apa yg patut buat and apa yg tk patut dilakukan..smoga ank2 kita smua dpt didikan sempurna dr stiap ibubapa..ibubapa tahu yg terbaik utk ank2 mereka
ReplyDeleteI nak didik diri sendiri pun susah. Salute people who have kids. I don't think can manage them well. Great tips and indeed very helpful for new parent too. Hopefully the kid grow up well and be a good human-kind.
ReplyDeleteHahaha come nya dorang. Baguslah tips ni rasa nak ada anak2 Dan didik dorang. Semoga anak2 sis menjadi anak yg soleh dn solehah
ReplyDeleteBaguslah lah bagi tips macam ni sesuai untuk ibu bapa yang baru nak belajar cara nak mendidik anak diperingkat awal senang hehehe ok lah kita jer masih belum ketemu yang sesuai wakakaka.....
ReplyDeletebe close to Allah is where we should start. or everything will falls apart. also, i love the idea of be kind to animals. you are a great mom. good job
ReplyDeleteIni tips yang bagus untuk diketahui babyak orang dalam membesarkan anak dengan baik. Makasih sharenya sgt bermanfaat
ReplyDeleteSetuju, banyak cabaran membesarkan anak zaman sekarang. Dengan pengaruh luar, dengan komitmen parents pd kerjaya..mana nak tengok tengokkan mereka lagi..aieh..thnaks for the tips!
ReplyDeletetips yang bagus untuk ibubapa ajar pada anak2....walaupun setiap anak berbeza perangai tapi kita boleh jadikan ini sebagai asas dalam mendidik anak2....semoga anak2 kita membesar sebagai insan yang bertanggungjawab terhadap diri sendiri , agama , ibubapa dan masyarakat
ReplyDeleteSejak jadi mak ni, memang bukan mudah anak ajar anak berdisiplin dan dengar kata, tapi sebagai ibu tak boleh putus aasa. Belajar dan belajar..Memnag kena ajar anak dari kecil lagi biar senang. Ajar dengar ckp makan ayah, sayang haiwan dan orang, bua baik..
ReplyDeleteMemang bagus kita didik anak agar mempunyai sikap tanggungjawab,baik kpd ibubapanya, org disekelilingnya dan juga tanggungjawab.kpd Tuhan.