Charity Zumba by Furby Moms

Amirrah Othman
4 minute read

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. Last Saturday I got a chance to attend a Charity Zumba events that held by Furby Moms. I dont remember the last time I went for a Zumba not that I didn't interested on it but I didn't really get a chance to attend it..haha

Zumba is a good activity for everyone cause it helps you stay fit and it also will makes you happy with all the dance and friends that you make during the event. Charity Zumba by Furby Moms are held in conjunction of this pink october months; the breast cancer awareness months. MAKNA is one the main beneficiary of this event and that is why the events was held for LADIES ONLY

During the events everyone had the opportunity to make donation through MAKNA. Breast cancer is a real issue that we woman need to take seriously. I had an auntie who died suffer of breast cancer and it was a painful and sad things to watch her died that way. So we who still living lets live in healthy live and eat clean okay? Don't forget to go for mammogram to check your body. Its important and you have nothing to afraid or shy to. Huhu

Moms and baby are most welcome during this event you know?

So back to our Zumba event, this event was held at The Venue Shah Alam. The Venue is a good place to have this Ladies Only Zumba session because it close place and because Furby Mom's opened it for Mommy with Baby this place is suitable because its quite cosy and have air cond in it. Malique was definitely cool with it and behave nicely during the event. The Venue Shah Alam actually cater it place for any event you would like to organize from wedding, birthday party, aqiqah or event launching ceremony.

Furby Moms CEO

The Zumba sessions starts after a short speech by the CEO of Furby Moms. She was grateful with the event that day and happy after a few times trying to make it happened the event was succeed that day. Apart of the energetic Zumba Instructor that day, the VIP guest is one of the famous dance choreographer Linda Jasmine along with her two beautiful kids Cleopatra and Ratu. Both was so cute.

Me with Linda Jasmine and her beautiful kids.

Linda Jasmine and her daughter join the Zumba sessions that day and looking so much fun. Me? Of course I'm having so much fun with Malique that day. It definitely a great workout for me. I need it more..hahaha

The event was warm up by the energetic dance by Zin Shah Bariah and Zin Aliez Jezam,its Bollywood baby. And then, its hotten by the hot Zin Izzat with his sexy move. Its hard for me to catch up as I am amateur on this dance activity. Fuhhh~

After the non-stop sweat Zumba session by Zin Shah Bariah, Zin Aliez Nizam, Zin Izzat and  then it is LADIES ONLY session by Zin Nurin! Zin Nurin swag the floor with her moves when all man are not in the hall and all the ladies are into it too. During the session there are no social posting or recording allow cos its privacy.The session definitely burn up your calories if you actually follow all the step that day.

Then the event continue with a the special performance by Irene Catalina. She sang two songs which is Ajari Aku and I will Survive. Yeah yeah! Super sweet!

Irine Catalina

Then the event continue with a speech by the vice of MAKNA and last but not least the second most awaited time is the lucky draw sessions. There is more than 30 winner for the lucky draw sessions and I saw they won so many things from the baby stuff, clothes and also the RM1500 cash vouchers sponsored by The Venue Shah Alam. Cool right? Me and my blogger we also in the running to win but unfortunately we were not..haha Okay maybe next time right?

Overall it was a very great Zumba event and a meaningful to all woman. Thank you for having me for the event. Special thanks to the organizer, beneficiary and sponsor of the event which are : 

The Organizer : Furby Moms

Furby Moms marks their successful first event for this Zumba event. During the events they also presents their latest collection to the participant. For your information also Furby Moms is successful clothing for mommies from the pregnant to nursing friendly clothes. 

The Beneficiary : MAKNA

Since its inception in 1994, MAKNA has been providing help and support to cancer patients. MAKNA has been committed and resilient in all these years in reaching out to cancer patients in all parts of the country. The assistance and services rendered to urban and rural communities have brought a better understanding of cancer and its related issues among communities everywhere. Today, MAKNA has established a strong track record in supporting and assisting cancer patients in various aspects, socially and economically.

See more at

Sponsors : The Venue Shah Alam

Body Dream

AIA Public Takaful (Kuantan)

Thread and Lilies

Jari Kasar Menari

And also :

- Youha malaysia
- Danita
- Silera chia seed

For more information about Furby Moms and their upcoming events, go to :

Facebook : @furbymoms
Instagram : @furbymoms

Zumba Jom!

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  1. Wow...Berzumba...Bagus utk kekalkan kecergasan dan kecerdasan badan

  2. Rasanya ramai juga yang berminat nak join zumba yang ada tapi ada kekangan masing-masing. Each of us has our own story, right? Ada yang bermasalah wang ringgit. Ada yang tak boleh komit dengan schedule kelas disebabkan rutin kerja yang tak menentu. Ada yang pack dengan urusan keluarga.Tak kurang juga yang pemalu - macam CCL

  3. akk suka buat masa skrg tak boleh melasak lagi. 3x czer dah kan. kena jaga bagi setahun sekurang-kurangnya

  4. Suka Zumba!!!!sekarang ni akak rajin join zumba kat opis...pas tu berzumba kat rumah follow youtube video...semua gara2 nak turunkan sikit berat badan

  5. I really like zumba and will not refuse any chance. but since I was the mother of 3 children and worked I had restricted myself to participating in such programs / activities

  6. Dapat jumpa cikgu Linda Jasmine. seronoknya. Zumba ni memang kena selalu buat baru tak rasa penat. hehe

  7. Wow zumba mom bagus lah satu aktiviti sihat yang berguna untuk ibu2 sekarang nampak seronok. Tapi pelik ketua zumba mesti orang laki kenapa yekkkk hehehehe...

  8. Tak pernah berzumba sebab malu dan tak pandai nak menari. Takut je sorang diri tak dapat ikut coach. Bagus event yang promote kesihatan. Nampak fun dan best!

  9. this is such a great event. charity and exercise together

  10. Wah best juga event ini, boleh lah mak mak semua turun bersenam sambil buat donation.

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