Reason for Conducting a Property Tour Before Buying and Investing.

shamiera osment
7 minute read
Anytime you have shown interest in a particular property it is logical that you should make some meaningful attempts to prove if the property exactly matches the value of money you are paying for it either by researching via online property portal or to go through Singapore property news (of course if you are keen in Singapore housing). Imagine a situation where you are convinced by a real estate agent to purchase a property without ever setting foot on it. In such an instance, there is a great possibility that in the end you will pay for an inflated property value and that is something any prospecting property buyer would want to avoid by all means. 

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1. You will be certain that the property shown to you by an agent is what you will be actually paying for.

For you to be certain that you are accomplishing your property purchase in the right manner, you must undertake a property tour guide before paying the agreed value to own or invest into it. Here is the point – anytime you are doing a property search, you do develop a certain mental picture of how the property you are after should look like. Meanwhile, the housing pictures provided by most real estate agents may sway your emotions and most likely you might think that the deal offered to you is the best. 

Many agents are mostly after profits and they do toll hard to ensure that most important details about a property get to escape your attention. For instance, you may be given a picture of property having a nice mowed lawn, furniture and kitchen furnishing that may be so divine. However, if you take your time to do a physical inspection of a property you plan to purchase, you will come to terms with its realistic state and that aspect will guide you into making the right purchase decision. 

2. Pay the right price for a property based on the quality of utilities it has

If you have dealt with many real estate agents, they mostly tend to show customers the exteriors of the properties they are selling. The exteriors often speak glamor and do exceed the expectations of many buyers. However, if you take a walk inside that property that glamorous exterior, you may be saddened to meet a house whose interior is dust filled, has broken sinks and other utilities and does not generally reflect the hype at which it is marketed. 

Just imagine a situation where you have spent a fortune on buying a property and sometime later, you are forced to spend a lot more cash to do costly repairs and furnishings. Such situation can obviously make you feel cheated. However, you can avoid such desperate situations by having pre-purchase property tours. During such tours, your focus should be on whether a property has all its advertised utilities and whether they are working accordingly. If you find it necessary to make some repairs before you can fully feel comfortable with the property you must ask yourself how much you can spend on the repairs. 

If damages repair costs for a property are likely to exceed 10% of its original value, then you reconsider your purchase decision and that will help you own a rewarding property investment. Too many repair works can secretly drive up the value of a property and for homes which have been poorly maintained in the past, most of them have the ability to downgrade your investment returns as time goes by. 

3. Making sure that the property you are interested in is located at the spot you want it to be.

Many factors are often for consideration anytime a property purchase discussion is in place. For instance, if you have a family, you would be willing to buy a property which is located in a safe neighborhood that has utilities such as schools, a bank, police station, shopping mall, recreational park and is close to roads connecting to city proper. Here is the fact – issues such as insecurity are often ignored by many property sales agent for the fear that they may turn off prospective buyers. Consequently, hardly can you come across a property description that can blatantly inform potential buyers of dangers that can be associated with having a property in a given location or neighborhood. 

To clear any doubts you might have about a location you would want to have a property, a pre-tour guide is necessary and undertaking the exercise right can enable you to unearth so many things which you can’t get from an agent. By visiting a property location, you will be in a position to judge the level of privacy it offers and also notice any disruption that can make you uncomfortable. After doing that, you will surely make a sound decision that will see you enjoying the property you buy.

4. Space matters a lot and you can only be certain of it if you make a pre-tour guide.

Besides owning a property that is reasonably close to important amenities and speaks beautiful décor, space is a utility which matters a lot and you can only assess the quality of space you want by making a physical presence to property. By walking through different sections of a house, your instincts will naturally tell you whether you are in the right property or not depending on how much you are likely to pay for it. 

Nothing can turn out as bad as buying a property without first having to physically feel it, only to find out later that its space provision isn’t exactly what can you would prefer. Though many buyers often rely on images to judge whether premises have the right space distribution, the truth is that images are hardly accurate and in most cases they often mislead. By having a physical pre-tour visit to a property, you will be in a position to judge for yourself whether the premise may rightly suit you based on house layout you would prefer and whether your items can comfortably fit the space available. 

 How to Conducting a Property Tour Before Buying and Investing?, Conducting a Property Tour Before Buying and Investing,singapore property news, commercial real estate purchase checklist, buying commercial property questions to ask, buying commercial land, buying commercial property tips, buying commercial real estate for dummies, buying commercial property with no money down, buying commercial property for investment, questions to ask when looking at commercial property, latest property news in singapore, property market news singapore, singapore property news 2016, real estate news singapore, singapore property news 2017, singapore property bubble, singapore property news blog, singapore property forum,
Pic credit : google

5. Scheduling property tour is simple and hardly does consume resources and time.

Planning a property pre-purchase tour is simple and the whole schedule can hardly inconvenience you regarding how long it should take. If the property is relatively close to your current location, then just a day would be enough for you to create some familiarity with it. When planning for a property tour, it is advisable that you should be accompanied by somebody who has reputable knowledge about property values. 

The person most likely will give you an accurate insight on how much the property you are visiting should fetch on the market and also advise you accordingly whether the property may be suitable for your home/investment needs or needs. Again, you shouldn't be in a hurry to do things when visiting a property you are new to. Being in a hurry may work to the advantage of the seller since your mind may overlook some important decisions. Make sure you take your time and question anything that you think may need clarification. 

6. Have the right sense of emotional stability when doing property tour

The idea that you are close to owning your dream property often elicit emotions and that may not exactly work to your favor. If you are too happy, what you are most likely to think about is how you can push the property deal through. However, if you keep your emotions intact, your sense of judgment will be meaningful and you will thereby find yourself making relevant thoughts and picking valuable decisions.

The last point is indeed crucial right? Even when you buy a clothes you will need a good emotion or you will ended to buy something you actually really dislike. So, hope this guideline will help you a bit. 

All the best in finding your dream property!


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  1. wowww good info.
    thank you sharing ami.

  2. Great post. i really like to read it.

    Keep it up.

  3. Great infomation. I like it. Keep it up. Well done.

  4. Dah lama teringin nak beli rumah sendiri.. tapi...

  5. Thanks for sharing. Good info ☺

  6. Wahhh good sharing la! thank you!

  7. Good info thanks for sharing aami

  8. Thanks for sharing. Great info :)

  9. Good tips with nice sharing sister!

  10. tips yang bagusss untuk di share lelagi buat newbie macam Alja yang baru nak kenal dunia ni. haha Thank you sis! :D

  11. Thanks for the tips! Can apply next time when I am ready to get a house :D

  12. Great tips. Kena banyak korek ilmu dulu sebelum nak beli property, takde lah nanti menyesal

  13. Nice info to me as a newbie for travel after this. Thanks share.

  14. Thanks for the tips, will take note on these.

  15. no all developers do what they promised in the first place..huhuhu..but nice info after all kak! :D

  16. betul tu kak ami..sila pikir panjang,,

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