How to Increase Milk Supply? | Hi everyone.. this will be my third time having a baby and this will be my third challenge on my breastfeeding journey. Even though I manage to breastfeed my second child for two years, I didn't fully breastfeed him due to the low supply of milk. yup, getting pregnant and miscarriage makes the milk supply low. So how to increase milk supply?
When talking about to increase milk supply, many mothers who had low milk supply will be depressed. And yes, depression is not good for your breastfeeding journey too! First and foremost, mother should remember the basic rules of demand and supply. More demand will helps you for more supply, but how we do it?
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Me with my 2nd and third boys |
So, to help you to increase your milk supply, here is the best 5 tips for milk booster:
Milk Booster Tip #1: Ditch Any Feeding Routines Feed your baby when he or she appears to want the breast. You can also prevent an upset, crying baby if you pick up early hunger signals – crying is a late hunger signal. Recently, my baby Malique starts sucking his thumbs whenever he hungry, that's the new signal for feeding time!Offering the breast even when you’re not sure what your baby wants does no harm. Remember, the more your baby feeds, the more your breasts will supply. So mommy have to Be Available To Your Baby 24×7 If Possible Babies thrive having 24×7 access to their mothers. Being able to breastfeed (from your breasts not a bottle) anytime is optimal for your baby and breastmilk supply. Plan lots of skin to skin time to help with the production of oxytocin, which is involved with milk production. Skin to skin time also encourages your baby to latch more often.
One of the milk booster is your baby itself, try to look at your baby or picture of your baby while pumping. It does helps.
Milk Booster Tip #2: Check Your Latch Your baby doesn’t nipple feed, he breastfeeds. Make sure he has a wide open mouth and the nipple is going towards the back of his mouth. You can watch some helpful instructional video clips at Hire a lactation consultant, ideally an IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant – the gold standard in lactation care) to check your latch if you’re not sure. A lactation consultant can diagnose any issues and give you valuable peace of mind. Please try see one before you self-diagnose with low supply or start using formula. GPs are not trained in such lactation care and often may not be able to give you the help you need.
Avoid Dummies/Pacifiers, Nipple Shields And Bottles Unless Absolutely Necessary The less your baby is on your breast, the less your nipples are being stimulated, so the less milk you will make. Check with a lactation consultant before you decide to get a nipple shield – your sore nipples could be due to a poor latch, so correcting the problem first is impor itch Or Avoid Formula Top-Up Feeds Because the less you breastfeed your baby, the less milk your breasts will make. The more formula you give your baby, the less milk you’ll make. Worse yet, if you head down the path of offering formula, your baby may wean and start to refuse the breast. Unfortunately, this a common and unintended problem.
Milk Booster Tip #3: Power Pump More Often does helps to increase milk supply. As the basic rules said more demands will helps for more supply. The basic technique of power pumping is by repeatedly emptying the breast, signalling the body to make more milk, more quickly. To power pump, pick one hour each day or night (eg. 7 am every morning) and use the following pumping pattern: Pump for 20 minutes; rest 10 minutes. Pump another 10 minutes; rest for 10 minutes. A disciplines power pump will help you to increase your milk supply and makes you buy a new deep freezer for the milk storage. phew~
my one session pumping!
Milk Booster Tip #4: Make Sure You’re Drinking Plenty Of Water Breastfeeding makes for thirsty work, and your body will suffer if you’re not drinking plenty of water – to the tune of constipation, haemorrhoids and nasty anal fissures. When you don’t drink enough water, your energy, concentration and focus also suffers. This basic rules does helps a lot in my breastfeeding journey, I drink plenty of water when I started breastfeed and ignore the old folks said about the bad things of drinking too much water during the confinement period. Huhu!
Milk Booster Tip #5 : Drink a Real Milk Booster! There's plenty of milk booster in the market or even many recipes you can try for the milk booster food and drinks. But if you bad at cooking and too busy for it, just try MOMMA® Pregolact! I recently found this milk booster at while browsing about the milk booster recipe and felt yes, why not I just drink this and thing will be much easier.. haha
MOMMA® Pregolact also have so many great testimonial that makes me eager to try it. I do want my breastfeeding journey this time to be success! Some of the testimonial that I found interesting are:
This third breastfeeding is actually quite great but I had an early period, I my period cycle even starts as soon as I finished my confinement period. So, everytime period came, the milk supply will be drop and I decided to drink this MOMMA® Pregolact™ as the milk booster.
This MOMMA® Pregolact™ also can be drink by the pregnant mother as the food supplement. It is good for the mother and babies during the pregnancy stage or even the breastfeeding stage because MOMMA® Pregolact™ is formulated with Activ-4 Plus™ that contains DHA, Folic Acid, Calcium and also low fat. DHA and Folic Acid will helps for the baby brain development and their growth and also this formulation will helps mother and babies to have a smoother skin, healthy, energetic and also increase the milk supply and even make the milk more thicker.
And as I mention before, MOMMA® Pregolact™ doesn't contain any sugar. It is so true, eventhough you put 4 scoops of it in a glass, you will not taste it too sweet and it actually doesn't taste sweet at all. If you love sweet so much, I think you will add sugar to drink with it but for me its okay. I love dark chocolate and this chocolate MOMMA® Pregolact™ did not taste bitter but its slightly like it. :)
MOMMA® Pregolact™ also contains 12 good ingredients that includes ; Olive, Raisins, Omega 3, Pomegranate, Fig, Habbatus Sauda, Goats Milk, Dates, Honey, Safron, Inulin (Prebiotik) and Chocolate. All this core ingredients is basically a recommended food for increasing the milk supply.
Others benefits you gain after consuming this products are :
- Inreasing the HB
- Reducing the morning sickness.
- Eliminates the stressful and tiredness.
- Helps baby to be more brighter and clever.
- Avoiding the back pain and cramp leg.
- Help to increase the brain development.
- Help to cure the hair loss and scalp.
- Help to smoother mother and baby skin.
- Increasing the immunization systems.
- Milk Booster!
- Reducing the Eczema and dry skin problem.
- Reducing the risk of jaundice.
- Energy booster for exhausted mommies!
So as you can see, it have so many benefits and for me after consuming it for a weeks, I found that it helps me to increase my milk supply, I have to wear breast pad always or it will be bad. Also my scalp are also reducing and I felt more energetic after having it in the morning! No more coffee! Yeah, thank you MOMMA® Pregolact™ for reducing the caffeine from my diet.huhu
For more information about MOMMA® Pregolact™ go to :
Address :
MOMMA® Industries Sdn Bhd,
No 6-25-3, Tingkat 2, Jalan Medan Pusat Bandar 8A,
Bangi Sentral, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
Hotline booking : 016-923 6962 / 016-924 6962
Google Map / Waze: Momma Club
For others testimonial go to :
Lets MOMMA® Pregolact™ Mommies!

Thanks for the tips mummy!
I have 3 superheroes (3 yo, 2 yo and 1yo) who currently still BF. I can say that sokongan orang sekeliling especially SUAMI, really mainkan peranan dalam menjayakan penyusuan ibu.