Assalamualaikum everyone...
During Ramadhan everyone will love to go to the Ramadhan Bazaar to buy their favorite food.. My Ramadhan Will Never Complete Without Tepung Pelita...
Tepung Pelita also known as Tako are Malaysian most favorite kuih during Ramadhan.. The sweet, creamy and salty are the perfect combination for Malaysian taste buds.

Did you know the different between Tako and Tepung Pelita? It actually has the same look but has the different features where Tako has dices of Sweet Turnip at the green part of it while tepung pelita has none.. Eventhough it slightly different but it taste are the same..

Would you love to made your own tepung pelita?
Here is the recipe:
Green Layer:
1/2 cup rice flour
A pinch of 'kapur'
2 cup of pandan leaf water
Method :
Blend 4-5 number of pandan leaf to make the pandan water. Mix all ingredients for the green layer.
Prepare the mould that will be use to steam it. You can use pandan leaf or banana leaf to make the mould. Or you can easily use a container as the mould. Add on 1 spoon of sugar at the mould.
Then heat on the steam until the water is boiling. Pour in the green layer into the mold about 1/3 of the mould.
Steam it for 15 minutes. After it cooked you can pour the second layer to it.
Coconut Milk Layer :
1/2 cup rice flour
2 1/2 cup coconut milk
A pinch of salt
Method :
Mix all ingredients and whisk it in a pan until the mixture release a steam or bubble. Make sure you stir it regularly. Then pour it on the green layer and steam it for 10 minutes.
That's it.. It ready to be eat...
Tell me if the recipe is great or not okay!
Happy Trying!
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