OLIcandy Official Launching and Appointment of OLIcandy Ambassador. | Vsireh Beauty Expert have step further when being the first in Malaysia that produced an innovation for whitening product that are using Olive Leaf Extract.
This product has been in the market for the past six month and have more than 1000 great testimonial. Latest, more than 100,000 bottle have been sell for every month.
First of all, I would love to thanks my blogger friends, Nora from www.izarra.com for inviting me in this event. :D
OLIcandy has it own speciality because it used extract Olive leaf that have approved contain 400% antioxidant more than Vitamin C that can nourished our body. Many consumer are satisfied with this product because consuming it make them more fairer, reduce the scar and acne also make them more younger. OLIcandy not only act as beauty supplement but also act as health supplement that can give you more energy in daily life.

mc of the day
To ensure OLIcandy more successful and be accepted to all , V-Sireh had decided to appoint Dayana Roza, the actor, as the ambassador of the product for one year. As the consumer of OLIcandy for several month, Dayana Roza also satisfied and agree that OLIcandy have made her fairer even though she always expose to the sun-rays during the drama and film shooting. Dayana also stated that she love OLIcandy because it sweet like candy and it easy to bring it anywhere she go.
During the launching event there also many other artist cum the consumer of the product such as Erin Malik attend the event.
The event that held in Royal Chulan Kuala Lumpur had witnessed the great ceremony and the event was start with the speech by the two Vsireh Beauty Expert shareholders , Mrs Puteri Intan Zarith binti Che Rasidi and Mrs Norazura binti Md Posdzi.

Puteri Intan Zarith binti Che Rasidi and Mrs Norazura binti Md Posdzi.
The guest of honor, the Executive Chairman Securiforce Group, Datuk Wira Dr.Maznah binti Hamid also giving her speech and motivation to all the guest and media. Dr. Maznah is an inspiring person and her achievement in Securiforce really opened my eye as a woman.

Datuk Wira on her speech
signing ceremony
V-Sireh target that the OLIcandy product will be more expanding and burst the market with their very hardworking stockist and agent in entire Malaysia. In year 2016, V-Sireh targeting to sell more than 500,000 bottle per month. It is due to the positive responds especially from the repetitive consumer.
Datuk Wira and VIP
All the guest were entertained by Nurul Wahab with her beautiful voices. It my first time heard her singing live in front of me and I really love her voice. :)
Even though facing a great challenging with the market especially with the competitor, fake product and more, OLIcandy manage to step further and have gain the trust from the consumer. V-Sireh really appreciates the hard work from their stockist and agent that always loyal with the product from their very beginning stepping in the market. Currently V-Sireh have more than 200 official register dealer and this will be expanding because their target to market their product to South Africa and also Middle East.
For more information about this product and this company contact :
OFFICE : +6012-5050 462 , FAX : +603 - 8750 1808
Website : www.vsireh.com
Email : vsireh@gmail.com
Facebook : v-sireh olicandy
Instagram : vsirehofficial
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