Guardian's Make Over 2015!

shamiera osment
3 minute read

The highly anticipated Great Guardian Makeover is back! Theme Beauty in Action this year, the two-day event empowering women with tips and tools to look good and keep healthy while on-the-go, kicked off with a buzz in Nu Sentral last weekend.

The event, now in it's 8th year, was conceptualised by Guardian Malaysia, a leading pharmacy, health and beauty retailer, to give recognition to modern women and the active lifestyles they lead.

Mr Ricky Soon said "Indeed Women have played many roles since the beginning of civilisation. With modernisation and globalisation, this is multi-tasking juggle is ever more apparent and ever more challenging."

Indeed..woman can be anything when she become a mother. She will be a teacher, a chef, a nurse and others.

During this event, the participating brands also offered so many interesting offer and so many free items .

"Women of all walks of life can take charge of their own life own health and beauty needs despite their multiple roles and hectic schedules. Therefore, we have enlisted the assistance of health and beauty specialists to share tips for women to look fabulous while staying on-the-go," he added.

make-up by MakeUP Puzzle 

As the leading pharmacy, health and beauty retailer, Guardian has taken on the role of encouraging not just women, but the community in general, and its customers in particular, to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

hair styling by A Cut Above

More than a thousand of tickets have been sold for this two-day event. The overwhelming response tells that women are increasingly seeing the value in looking great while staying active. Make-up trends, hairdos and women's lifestyle needs have changed over the years. With the participation, enthusiasm and excitement has remained a constant that motivate them to become bigger and better things year on year.

Mr Ricky Soon

opening act

Open to anyone with a ticket that comes with the purchase of RM10 of any participating brand. Guardian's Beauty in Action offers a complete makeover, consisting of make-up by MakeUP Puzzle and hair styling by A Cut Above. Once done, participants can further enjoy a professional photography session to capture their best pose!

me before make over

after make up

So how do I look after my Make Over? Great right? I love it!

The weekend's event also offers participants a variety of make-up tips ranging from summer style to glam night, casual Sunday to dolling up for a romantic dinner. Family, young, matured, male and female also participated in the Beauty in Action dance routines in addition to other fun and games. Good news is, all who signed up also went home with a  goodie bag worth more than RM30. Nice one right?

Goodie bag for all

Guardian's Beauty in Action was further abuzz with excitement as the young winners of its Facebook Little Princesses in Action contest took the stage. 10 finalists aged four to eight, dressed to the tee, wowed the audience with great confidence as the crowds cheered them on. The winner walked away with RM200 in cash vouchers and goodies worth another RM200. Congrats to all of the winners...

This event will be something that I will be waiting next year. Hope I can join them again be more fabulous!

For more information, please visit Guardian's WEBSITE and FACEBOOK.

Make up Lover,

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  1. perghhh. awal2 dah gojes. bila mekap tambah gojes. phewitttt~~

    xtau lak guardian pun ada buat event ni. tau aritu maybelline je. hehehe

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